Terms & Condition

Here we have presented the important terms and conditions, we can you to read them carefully and understand them. This terms and conditions is a legally binding contract between Jatra Travels and our clients for the the service provided by us and set out the basis of your legal relationship with Jatra Travels.


To process a Booking you must fill up the booking form along with 30% non-refundable deposit as detailed below. We take it as the acceptance by you of these Terms and Conditions. For the further processing,we want you to e-mail a copy of your passport to our Kathmandu office at [email protected]. Right after getting the copy of copy of your passport, the completed booking form and 30% non-refundable deposit, we will send you a final confirmation receipt via email.

You must deposit per person per trip. We also accept the direct deposit and contact us if you want to deposit through bank. A certain chargers are applied and should be paid at the time of deposit.

And about the remaining balance, you can pay it upon your arrival here in Nepal, either on arrival day or meet and greet day.  We would like to mention that have a right to cancel your trip if you don’t pay the full amount in time.

** Jatra Travels is always ready to accept the last minute booking if there is space available.


We would like you to request you to notify about the cancellation 20 days before the trip departure date and must be in writing format. The company will approve the cancellation only after getting the written documentation. Then only, you can termed as the cancelled and the 30% charge you have deposited earlier will be deducted as the cancellation charge.

No refund shall be given to the clients who have cancelled the trip less than 20 days before the tour departure date. If  you leave for any reason either voluntarily or involuntarily and if you commit any unlawful act dudring or after the trip then, there will be refund. If you dont use any meals, accommodation or services then again our company will make no refinds as well.

In case you require any changes to your tour or want customize the tour according to your preference, he/she has to present the written document, mentioning the changes that you want us to make. We will try our best to fulfill your requirements but changes cannot be guaranteed.

If you have genuine reasons for not taking the trip, for example (without restriction) because of death, injury or serious illness of the passenger, close relative or friend, redundancy or jury service, you may postpone or transfer your booking to another person, provided they meet all the requirements relating to that tour. You must provide proof of why you are unable to travel at the time you change your booking. A fee of $200 US per person is required if you postpone or transfer this tour no less than 20 days prior to trip departure. There will be no options available 20 days before trip departure.


We would like you to request to have a valid passport and must be atleast  6 months validity from return date. Nepali can be obtained either from the Nepali Embassy/Consultant in your country or right after arrvial at the Kathmandu Airport.  Nepali visas costs shall be fall under the tour pacakage and it will be the sole responsibility of clients.


Travel insurance is necessary for all our clients undertaking any tours of Jatra Travel. Your travel insurance must cover the protection for the full duration of the tour like personal injury, death, medical expenses, repatriation expenses, helicopter rescue, air ambulance and adequate cover for baggage.


As most of the popular destination of Nepal are situated in the higher altitude, so we would like you check with your local GP of your health before travel. Apart from that, if are taking for medications, or any per-exisiting medical condition we should care about, then we would humbly request you to notify us. 


Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by their legal guardian. If you want to know more about the travel along with the children or suitability, then you can email us for the detail information.


We want you to know that, while traveling through us, Jatra Travels will use the images or the videos you have taken during the tour (without resourcing and compensating you) for the promotion of our business in various social media platform or channels.


Jatra Travels wants you to have a utmost degree of flexibility and an understanding in terms of unforeseen changes to the itinerary, modes of transportation and accommodation can occur at any time. Due to this unforeseen changes leads to the postpone or sometime cancellation of the trip. This circumstances happen only if there is flight delay, political unrest, bad weather, road blockage, any natural disasters or any other things beyond the human control.

In situation the booking changes doesn’t apply. Simply saying your advance payment ill not be refunded. But we will reshedule the trip or select any other trip of the same category.

Similarly, we will not take responsibility for life loss, injuries and illness resulted by the situations beyond our control. But there will be not any careless from our side and try our best to provide the safety to our clients first.

Those who doesn’t have room to share, in that case a single room supplement charge will be imposed. All of our treks and tours are based on the twin- sharing accommodation. And we have a right to revise the price rates according to the changes in government action, exchange rate, and other things that are beyond our control.


We will not misuse the information of yours. Your booking information are


Should you have a complaint about the trip or tour, make it known to a tour leader or guide at the earliest opportunity, so that s/he may take appropriate actions to resolve it.


“Let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.”